
Thursday 18 October 2012

Lost luggage can mean more than lost possessions

Vicky Karantzavelou -

Losing luggage can be a traumatic experience, but travellers face losing more than just possessions, says Send My Bag.

Being without clothing, essential personal items and accessories is inconvenient and stressful enough, but losing electronically-stored photographs and entire music collections can be a major set-back at the beginning or end of a holiday.

Lost baggage is sadly not unusual – according to Send my Bag, at least one in every 45 bags goes astray. Adam Ewart, Send My Bag founder, says: “Losing a piece of luggage is a worry for every traveller and much more common that anyone thinks. People are often insured which will cover the replacement of these items, but it doesn’t make it any less of a hassle. In the case of lost photos stored on a camera or other device, nothing will bring them back. It’s actually the main thing we find people are most worried about losing – photos are treasured and irreplaceable.

Adam founded Send My Bag in response to the growing number of passengers requiring reliable and cost-effective baggage shipping. Initially aimed at students who travel with extra luggage and receive packages from home, the service has grown among people who became disgruntled with increasingly
complicated rules around cabin and hold baggage adopted by low-cost airlines, and the extortionate excess baggage shipping fees that can so often be imposed.

Adam continues: “Travelling can be stressful enough without worrying about the different rules that different airlines have around baggage allowances – add on top of that the worry of losing a bag, it’s no wonder people are opting for a dedicated baggage shipping service. This service is now popular
with families as well as people who are embarking on a sports trip and need to take extra equipment.

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